Tuesday, February 18, 2014



Submit a picture of two or more teammembers doing something healthy (like walking together or eating fruits and veggies) and your team will be entered to win lunch from UI Wellness. Pictures will be available for viewing from the Team LiveWELL Blog, Facebook, and hr.uiowa.edu/livewell/live-healthy-iowa.

Details: Include your team name when submitting. All pictures must be submitted by Wednesday, March 5th. Limited to two entries per team. One random winner will be drawn on Thursday,  March 6th.

Live Healthy Iowa Photo Booths Available for fun-filled team pictures at the following:
·         Fountain Lobby of UIHC, Monday-February 24th from 7:30am-1:00pm.

·         2nd Floor of University Capital Centre, Wednesday, February 26th from 11:00am-1:00pm

·         Iowa River Landing Breakroom, Monday, March 3rd from 11:00am-1:00pm

Monday, February 10, 2014

How do you snack savvy?

With so many delicious choices available, what do you choose? Apples and peanut butter? A great no-bake protein bar? Or maybe homemade granola?
Tell us what your favorite healthy snack (include the recipe link if you have it) and be eligible to win one of four UI Wellness lunch boxes. All entries must be submitted by midnight, Sunday, February 16th, 2014.
(To leave a comment, click the drop down box and select "Anonymous'. Leave your first name and team name within your comment so we can connect with you about your prize! Your name will be visible by others reading the blog.)

And the wellness-themed team title winner is...

Team Mission Slimpossible!!! Congratulations.

The winners of the 10-Minute Massage's are:
  • Darrin from Team Tippee
  • Jennifer from Jenz Crew
  • Amy from Roaming Gnomes

Thank you everyone for your participation!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Poll on most creative/inventive team names

It's the second week of the challenge and already there has been such great team support and enthusiasm!

To keep up the fun and friendly competition, UI Wellness has picked their favorite wellness themed team names, and now it’s your turn to vote on which team name you think is the most creative!

The team with the most votes will win a prize from UI Wellness. 

Any University of Iowa employee who votes will be entered into a drawing to win one of three 10-minute massage from The Massage Oasis at either UIHC or CRWC.  Write-ins for your favorite team name are encouraged!

Favorite Team names:
1.       A-weigh We Go
2.       Breaking Fat
3.       Livin’ La Vida Yoga
4.       Mission Slimpossible
5.       Thin it To Win it
To vote, please include your first name AND team name.  (To leave a comment, click the drop down box and select "Anonymous'. Leave your first name and team name within your comment so we can connect with you about your prize! Your name will be visible by others reading the blog.)