Tuesday, December 17, 2013

2014 Live Healthy Iowa is now registering!!!

Hello University of Iowa Faculty and Staff Members!!!!

LHI is back!!! I am encouraging you to start spreading the word about the 2014-10 Week Challenge. The program runs January 27 through April 4, 2014.  Registration is now open.

To start, form a team of 2-10 co-workers and nominate a Team Captain. Register at Live Healthy Iowa. Enter Group Registration ID LHIUIOWA. The registration cost is $20 per person and includes a free one-year subscription to a lifestyle magazine, Live Healthy Iowa training shirt, weekly activity, nutrition and recipe tips via e-mail, a personalized online dashboard to track your progress, and more customized features.

  • liveWELL will refund $20 to faculty and staff in 50% or greater, regular positions who submit data into the LHI website ALL ten weeks during the program.
  • liveWELL will refund $10 to faculty and staff in 50% or greater, regular positions who submit data into the LHI website eight or nine of the ten weeks during the program.
  • This reimbursement is not available for volunteers, student employees or temporary staff.
For more information visit hr.uiowa.edu/livewell/live-healthy-iowa.