Wednesday, February 15, 2012

DAY 23 of the Live Healthy Iowa Challenge!!!

210 teams and 1380 participants at the University of Iowa are competing together to improve their health!

Among the teams, I have heard many ideas for motivation and engagment;

  • Team captains challenging their teammates to earn as many badges as possible

  • Seeking out new walking routes on campus

  • Trying to add a fruit or veggie to your day

  • Weighing in as a team in their clinic

  • Healthy lunch potlucks
What are you doing to motivate yourself or teammates during the 100 Day Challenge?
Anyone who leaves a comment will be entered to win one of four, 10 minute massages at UIHC or CRWC! When leaving a comment, please include your FIRST NAME AND TEAM NAME.
(Winners will be randomly drawn and must be a University of Iowa Employee, participating in Live Healthy Iowa to be eligible.)


  1. My puppy with her sad eyes motivates me to keep moving! Kerry on Team Women of Recreation

  2. We send a shout-out to the team member with the highest level of activity. An upcoming motivator will be a fitness video swap/lend so team members can shake up their routines & try new videos (it helps the wallet, too!). -diana on DSP Gold

  3. We used a team member's Office Yoga book for inspiration. I had team members demonstrate office yoga poses from the book and took their pictures for a team "newsletter." It was educational as well as fun, and gave us several laughs! Susan Bye, Team Eatsalot (Blue and Green)- UIHC

    1. Did you know that UI Wellness has a FREE online yoga program for employees to use?

  4. We reminded eachother that a fitness gym membership is a waste of money unless we use it! (several of us have had memberships, but didn't use them much over the "holidays") And, our UI fitness pass discount ends if we're not signing in at least once per week on average. We are trying to take an afternoon break from our desk jobs to exercise a couple times per week - our goal was to raise our activity level, but it is also nice to have a few minutes to be social with peers. -Christina (Peds Neuro Motor Neurons)

  5. I am injured and unable to run so it's slightly difficult to stay motivated. However, I am hoping to be able to pick up where I left off when I can run again so my motivation comes from keeping up my cardiovascular abilities and getting stronger. It also gives me a chance to do more swimming and cycling, which I otherwise may put off if I were not injured! Most importantly, my daughter keeps me motivated, I try to stay fit and active for her. :) -Jamie (Team BabySteps)

  6. Another team member and I email each other almost every day to report what we did for exercise; it's great motivation because if she says that she hit the elliptical for 30 minutes I don't want to have to reply that I blew the day off. Sue - BO Buddies.

  7. I partially tore my left hamstring tendon in Dec and the healing and rehab process is long and slow. I’m trying to view my PT exercises as an opportunity for more exercise and as a way to correct a chronic problem and come back stronger and better. It also gives me a good excuse for ensuring that I take time for exercise. I am trying to encourage my team by sending them diet and exercise success stories that I find when I’m reading. I want them to see that other people have struggles and were able to break through to success. Loreen (CQSPI Creams.)

  8. Ok, so this is the deal, My son, a 195 pound wrestler is my motivation. He has lifted, ran, good food and protein shakes to make it to state. He finished 6th in the state! So he helps me lift, ( 20) Ha! and keeps me motivated to reach a goal like he did!

  9. Congratulations Kerry, Diana, Susan, and Christina! You are winners of a 10 minute massage with Massage Oasis!

    Thanks for your participation!
