It’s Week 9 of the Live Healthy Challenge, and we have covered some ground!
Total Activity Time (3/25/14): 32,821 hours and 41 minutes - On average a person can walk 4 miles in one hour. That would mean that collectively we have walked 131,287 miles!!!! That’s equivalent to walking the entire circumference of the Earth 5.25 times!!!
Average Activity per Team (3/25/14): 205 hours and 8 minutes
- Which is about 820 miles walked per team. This is about the
equivalent of walking from Iowa City to Dallas, Texas!
Enter a destination that you would love walking to or within and be eligible to win one of three Omron HJ-113 Pedometers. All entries must be submitted by midnight, Sunday, March 30th, 2014.
(To leave a comment, click on "Comments" and at the bottom will be an space to enter a comment. Use the drop down box and select "Anonymous'. Leave your first name and team name within your comment so we can connect with them about your prize.)