Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Share why your Team Captain is GREAT!

Share why your Team Captain is GREAT! 

ALL nominated Team Captains will be recognized by UI Wellness and will be entered to win one of ten fabulous prizes including massages, resistance bands, insulated coffee mugs, and more!

To nominate your Team Captain, please submit a comment below this post with the Team Captains FIRST NAME and TEAM NAME. Please identify what he/she does to keep your team motivated during the Live Healthy Iowa Challenge. All entries must be submitted by midnight, Sunday, March 23rd.

(To leave a comment, click the drop down box and select "Anonymous'. Leave your Team Captain's first name and team name within your comment so we can connect with them about their prize.)


  1. Our Team Captain Katie from Team ATC-letes is amazing! She is always sending out motivational emails to the group and has even done a prize drawing for anyone that tried a new activity! She is dedicated and enthusiastic about LHI and wants everyone to be successful in making everyday healthy choices.

  2. LISA our "HAPPY HOUR HONEY'S" captain is the BEST! She constantly thinks up new things for our group to do, she does the majority of our planned outings and events, she is always upbeat and positive and she motivates the rest of the team to have fun, be fit, eat well and do our best! we LOVE Lisa!

  3. Eva - Thin It To Win It; Eva leaves everyone an inspirational quote each Monday morning on their desk. She checks in with all team members individually. She gave each team member a motivation kit the start of the program. Eva truly cares for the well-being of each team member and herself and it shows - Go Eva!!

  4. John from Livin La Vida Yoga is an upbeat motivator. He gets us all enthused about working out at lunch and other times. He's a killer in Window Wars at the field house on Wednesdays. He's like the energizer bunny, and he keeps us going as well as himself.

  5. Denise oversees 2 teams, Booking it at the Library and Losing it at the Library. She e-mails us each week to remind us to log our activity, to let us know where our teams stand on the leaderboards, and to keep us posted with updated messages. At the end of the Live Healthy Iowa 10-week Challenge she always plans a healthy team potluck and recognizes participants with certificate awards.

  6. Jennifer from Jenz crew is a great leader she is always pushing and wanting us to get to the gym as to trying to balance a busy schedule of being a provider and a mom of 2 very active children. And also trying keeping her distant family strong when days are low, she is the true inspirational leader for live healthy and for her friends and family.

  7. Denise Bral from Rockin Red is a great team leader as she keeps us all motivated to stay active. She leads us by great example by doing at least a half hour of the treadmill each day. She has great ideas of exchanging recipes within the group that are healthy and easy. I like how our team has a friendly competition with other teams in our division, which keeps us all on track for success. Thanks for all you do Denise!!

  8. Denise Bral, our captain on Rockin Red is a great leader! She motivates us daily, and is a great example to follow. She wears a pedometer and is taking the stairs. She leads by example, which is so much more effective for me. She even organized a Healthy Potluck for the unit so we could all stay on track! She reminds us and makes sure we document weekly. And the best motivator of all, she looks fabulous because of the exercise! Thanks Denise!

    1. Denise is on our rival team ;) But I agree with everything written above! She motivated me to create our team, and continues to motivate me every time I see her! She's a great example!

  9. Zach is managing three teams within our office, but he himself is a Roaming Gnome! He sends us regular emails to remind us to input our activity and to tell us who's leading in each group, and he's been the point person for our healthy snack planning!

  10. Zach Smith has been so supportive, kind, and optimistic about our teams (three of them!). He sends regular e-mails, coordinates healthy snack days, manages our statistics and generally makes us all feel great about ourselves!

  11. Lynn, Benefitters’ Team Captain, is great because she organized a lunch on Feb. 7, 2014 to celebrate our place on the Leaderboard, get to know everyone, and share tips. I was introduced to Jimmy John’s #16 Club Lulu as an Unwich, no mayo, add avocado: 235 calories, 13g fat. Thanks, BK!

  12. Honorables team captain Donna is great because she encourages our group to go to Mat Pilates on Tuesdays!

  13. Donna is so encouraging. She checks in with us regularly to see how we're doing and keeps us all pumped about getting fit. Even with the cold temps this winter, 5 of us from our small team attended Mat Pilates. Donna is the Honorables team captain.

  14. Zach from the Roaming Gnomes fosters good natured competition between our office's 3 teams (Roaming Gnomes, Regulators, and Misc Fits) by providing weekly updates on leaders in each group, setting up Friday healthy snacks, and Google mapping the Gnomes progress as we walk to M̶e̶x̶i̶c̶o̶ Costa Rica. He's been an awesome motivator for International Programs!

  15. Maria from maria's minions is GREAT. Always encouraging people to walk, inquiring about activity, bringing in healthy food options!! Keep up the good work Maria. We all appreciate it!

  16. Sarah: Triple S of the SC...She checks in to make sure we are marking our hours and keeping on task. She is a great motivator for our team as we tend to stay in our offices, she is here to encourage us to get out and about! She is Awesome for our team!

  17. Team Captain Anna Kisting from Mission Slimpossible. Anna was 36 weeks pregnant when she entered us into this year's Live Healthy Challenge. She continued to walk and stay active during her pregnancy. She also wanted to be our Team Captain even though she knew she'd be having her baby during that time. She is committed to her health during all aspects of her life and encourages us to do the same. Last year, she encouraged all of us to do this and because of it, we are going strong for our 2nd year. I know even on her maternity leave, she will be making her health a priority as well as her 2 older children's. She encourage outdoor play, walks to the park, and other healthy habits for her children. She sets an example for working mothers like myself!

  18. Gail O'D is a great communicator and role model! Jan B.

  19. Our captain, Zach S, has been so supportive, kind, and optimistic about our participation in the Live Healthy Challenge. He carries these traits to all the other functions in our office and we all benefit from his support. Roaming Gnomes

  20. Our team leader Susan B is creating a fabulous newsletter for us. It features articles about our team mates --- very interesting to learn about our team mates! -Cheryl

  21. Maria is a wonderful inspiration to us all. She is energetic, sets a good example and is encouraging to all. Despite her very busy position, she finds time to walk every day and invites others to join as they can. Thank you Maria! Maria's Minions

  22. Apryl Betts of UI College of Law is great with ideas and emails to keep us going. She is very inventive and even if not every event pans out, her enthusiasm is effusive.

  23. Sue Almen-Whittaker of ITS keeps our team inspired every week through motivational emails and encouraging check-ins with team members!

  24. Karlyn L is great. She's very personable and a great example of importance in exercise and fresh air. Karlyn walks to work almost every day. Karlyn helps organize groups for fitness actrivities. Without her doing this I'd probably not be involved. Thanks Karlyn!

  25. Shannon Veach is a busy nurse, mother and team leader. She finds time to work exercise in to her day. She is the reason we have this livewell team at Child Health Specialty Clinic in Dubuque.

  26. Lynn A from DSBNUS-Don't Stop Believing N Us. Lynn has inspired us to keep a positive attitude, motivated and encouraged us to do our best.

  27. Donna of the Honorables is the whole reason we're doing the Live Healthy Challenge! She made sure that all of the logistics were taken care of and checks in about our progress. Even before the challenge started, she is our livewell ambassador and always kept/keeps us up-to-date about all of the resources on campus to keep us feeling great. Not only this, but she is just a lovely human being. Plain and simple :-)
    Thanks for being great, Donna!

  28. Sue from "We Make IT Happen!" is a great team coach, she keeps us on track with reporting our times, AND she inspires us to make healthy choices by setting an example of daily fruit intake.

  29. Our team captain is amazing! He makes the challenge fun by posting fun notes, getting us to stretch our limits, and proactively telling us what a great job we're doing! He's a tremendous coach and leader to our team!

    Sabrina - Team Structured Chaos -

  30. Jenny the captian for 4 girls and a goal is outstanding on motivating the tema to work hard! Last head was a bit easier as I worked next to jenny. I have since taken a new position and I am now in a different building on the other side of town. Thru this jenny still texts me, emails or instant messages me tooth are me to get out on my breaks and walk and to log my time. She is the best!!

  31. RMS UIAA’s team captain, Whit France-Kelly, is doing great things to make our team great.

    In the first few weeks of the Live Healthy Iowa Challenge I was working out about three hours per week and not really taking the Challenge serious.

    At the beginning of week three, he came to me and said, “Let’s move a little more.” I told him that I was in and that very day he came by at the end of the day and said let’s go walk a few stairs. Our building has four floors so we walked up and then down four flights of stairs. I was breathing pretty heavy. We kept adding more walking and stairs each week. Now we are participating in a four days a week, noon hour exercise class. My energy level has increased and now I’m motivated to move more. I am proud to say with the help of my team captain, Whit, I have increased my weekly exercise by 450% since the start of this Live Healthy Challenge.

    Whit has been a great role model for our whole team. He’s lost weight and started running. Me and my teammates have made great improvements in our overall health consciousness. Thanks, Whit!

  32. The CPH DAWGs are having a "mini challenge" with another local team to spice things up and get us moving (and recording it)!
