Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Caffeine CRAZED

Did you know…
  • Caffeine can take up to 6 hours to leave the body?
  • Caffeine withdrawal symptoms only last a couple of days!
  • One ounce of chocolate contains 20 mg of caffeine.                          
To learn more about caffeine, set up at time for a Caffeine presentation by emailing

What are ways you boost energy without caffeine?
(To share your energy tricks, click on "Comments" and at the bottom will be an space to enter your thoughts. Be sure to include your first name/last name initial and team name in your post. Use the drop down box in "Comment As:" to select "Anonymous" if you don't have an account . Entries must be submitted by midnight on Wednesday, March 7, 2018.)    


  1. I start my day with an apple and a banana. It gives me enough energy to make it through to lunch! Dan Teets - Booking It at the Library

  2. Listen to heart pumping music. Melissa F. Moving Electrons

  3. If I am sitting at my desk and run into the afternoon slump, I stand up (at my standing desk). That's all it takes.

  4. I do my workout for the day first thing in the morning. Ashley T. Hemi-Glutes

  5. Good sleep hygiene and regular exercise work better than double espresso
    MU Team student healthies

  6. Sometimes eating an apple can help to increase your alertness.
    Ashley H. UEHC Wellness

  7. A half hour bike ride in the morning gets the blood pumping without the need for caffeine.

    Team Bad Assets

  8. I make sure I get my 8 hours of sleep in every night!

    Dana K Team Student Healthies

  9. I take a quick walk and stretch during my work day. I also drink lemon water in the morning to perk up.
    ~ E. Adriana M. - OPE Superheroes
